A Best-Selling
Book 最畅销的书
eBook Version is Available

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2023 年8 月由澳洲著名出版公司出版发行的她的英文书《 no Sex no life》已经在澳大利亚的国际图书馆陈列。琳达有一个伟大的梦想,将用《no Sex no life 》一书去申请诺贝尔文学奖。
《追梦》 第一册由华侨出版社出版发行的印刷版,将在今年的新春佳节上市。《追梦》的第二册、第三册也将陆续和大家见面。
2013 年由中国国际出版社出版的琳达的中文书《 上帝女神》被很多中国的读者公认为是现代版的《金瓶梅》就像是荷兰一百三十年以前的巨星画家梵高的绘画一样。
也是琳达的处女作,有很大的收藏价值,仅剩下一百套。上册$25,下册$25, 全二册
$48. 作者签名全二册$58.
In August 2023, her English book "No Sex No Life" published by a renowned Australian publishing company was displayed in international libraries in Australia. Linda has a great dream of using "No Sex No Life" to apply for the Nobel Prize in Literature.
The Chinese version of Linda's autobiographical novel "FOLLOW THE DREAM" Volume 1, is now available as an e-book and sold via WeChat for $8.00. "FOLLOW THE DREAM" Volume 1 e-book is for personal reading only and cannot be forwarded. Any legal responsibilities arising from reproduction or distribution are borne by the purchaser. Please take note!
The printed edition of "FOLLOW THE DREAM" Volume 1, published by Overseas Chinese Publishing House, will be launched during this year's Chinese New Year festival. Volumes 2 and 3 of "FOLLOW THE DREAM" will also be released gradually.
Linda's Chinese book "Goddess of Heaven," published by China International Publishing House in 2013, is recognized by many Chinese readers as a modern version of "The Plum in the Golden Vase," just like the paintings of the Dutch superstar artist Van Gogh 130 years ago.
"Goddess of Heaven" is a passionate and frenzied work written by Linda day and night in a state of madness. It is also Linda's debut work and has great collectible value, with only a hundred sets left. The upper volume costs $25, the lower volume $25, and the complete two volumes $48. Signed by the author, the complete two volumes cost $58.
Katie 手机 0061420511087 (海外拨打)
0420511087 (澳洲全境拨打)
加我微信: 00118613801191647
更多详细介绍, 请登陆网站 https://www.chasingdreamsa.com.au/
请登陆 《上帝女神》国际书号
ISBN 978-988-16758-2-8
请登陆 《追梦》国际书号
ISBN 978-1-63931-686-1
Author mobile number
LINDA LI: 0417 049 701
book store: shop 48, 160 rowe st Eastwood NSW
Buyers can make purchases via WeChat transfer. Sales agents:
Katie, Phone 0061420511087 (overseas)
0420511087 (Australia-wide)
Add me on WeChat: 00118613801191647
LINDA LI: 0417 049 701
For more detailed information, please visit the website https://www.chasingdreamsa.com.au/
Please log in to "Goddess of Heaven" International ISBN
ISBN 978-988-16758-2-8
Please log in to "FOLLOW THE DREAM" International ISBN
ISBN 978-1-63931-686-1
book store: shop 48, 160 rowe st Eastwood NSW

琳达已经是当今世界上著名色情故事写作家。2015 年由美国的著名出版公司出版发行的她的英文书 《the number one prostitute》。 现在在美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、荷兰、英国、 意大利、 瑞典、 印度和南非九个国家销售。
"FOLLOW THE DREAM" A New Year's Gift for Chinese Readers by Linda, the Author of Goddess of Heaven"
Linda is already a famous erotic story writer in the world today. Her English book "The Number One Prostitute" was published by a famous American publishing company in 2015. It is now sold in nine countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden, India, and South Africa.

她很快就成为全监狱小有名气的警花。1992 年,琳达根据北京监狱局的政策毅然决定停薪留职,开始了下海经商的生涯,她曾在中国北京
2015 年,由美国一家出版公司出版发行的我的英文书 《the number one prostitute> 现在在美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,荷兰,英国,意大利,瑞典,印度和南非
九个国家销售;2023年8月份由澳洲著名出版公司出版发行的我的英文书《no sex no life》 在澳大利亚,加拿大,美国,德国,法国,荷兰,意大利,瑞士……日本,台湾等十五六个国家和地区的各大书店,挂有<no sex no life》 一书的售书广告。我却没有得到任何的报酬。
世界历史上伟大的画家荷兰的梵高,早在130多年前就去世了。如今他的一幅画作价值家百万美元,很多画作价值上百万欧元,是因为现在购买他的画作的人,没有办法付给他绘画的钱。而我现在还活着,却没有人付给我写书的钱,这是多么不公平呀。想要知道这是为什么,请读者看我的长篇自传小说《追梦》 (follow the dream) 书中之书。
Author Introduction
Linda was born in Beijing, China in the early 1960s. From 1968 to 1978, she attended elementary, middle, and high school in Chaoyang District, Beijing. She admired the professions of soldiers and police officers since childhood. Her wish came true. After graduating from high school in 1978, she entered the Beijing Police Academy and two years later graduated to become a prison guard at a prison in Beijing. She soon became a famous beauty in the whole prison. In 1992, according to the policy of the Beijing Prison Administration, Linda decided to resign and start her own business. She operated a restaurant in Huairou County, Beijing, for eight years, experiencing the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. In the autumn of 2000, Linda set foot on the Australian continent. Five years later, she became an Australian citizen and now lives in Australia, engaging in sex work in the capital Canberra and is a well-known erotic novel writer.
I am the second Van Gogh of the 21st century, my works are famous worldwide, but I have no money.
In 2015, my English book "The Number One Prastitute" was published and sold in nine countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden, India, and South Africa. In August 2023, my English book "No Sex No Life" published by a renowned Australian publishing company was sold in bookstores in fifteen or sixteen countries and regions including Australia, Canada, the United States, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland... Japan, Taiwan, etc., with advertisements for "No Sex No Life" displayed. But I have not received any remuneration.
The great Dutch painter Van Gogh died more than 130 years ago. Now, one of his paintings is worth millions of dollars, and many paintings are worth millions of euros because people who buy his paintings cannot pay him for his paintings. I am still alive, but no one pays me for writing books. How unfair it is! If you want to know why, please read my autobiographical novel "FOLLOW THE DREAM" within the book.
December 31, 2023


琳達, 上世紀六十年代初出生於中國北京,1968年至1978年在北京朝陽區上小學、中学、高中,從小就羨慕軍人、警察職業,天遂人願,1978年高中畢業即考入北京警察學院,兩年後,從警察學院畢業,到北京某監獄做了一名監獄警察,很快就成為全監獄小有名氣的警花。1992年,根據監獄局政策,毅然決定停薪留職,開始下海經商的生涯。曾在北京懷柔經營飯店長達八年,飽嘗了下海人生的酸辣苦辣。2000年秋踏入了澳洲大陸,五年後加入澳大利亞國籍。現已定居澳洲,在首都堪培拉從事性工作。

My Story 我的故事
琳达已是当今世界上著名的色情故事写作家,她的英文书《The Number One Prostitute》由美国的著名出版公司在2015年出版发行,现在在美国、荷兰、印度等七个国家销售。她的英文书《No Sex, No Life》将由澳洲著名出版公司于今年四月份出版上市。
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